Billie Holiday is renowned singer and performer who made a lot of history though her short life. Holiday was born in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. She moved to Harlem in the late1920's and lived in a prostitution house where she made her living. There she began singing in bars and clubs around Harlem. She became recognized and seen as a singer with great talent. Good Morning Heartache is a classic song that expresses the hardship in Harlem. The lyrics of "Good Morning Heartache" rely on personification because you can't really say good morning to a heartache. They also show another part of everyday life in Harlem, because there were two different sides of Harlem. There was the thriving area and there was the run down and more industrious side. The industrious side had women called "Thursday Girls" who were gamblers, homeless craftsmen, and hookers. Many people at that time thought of them as domestic slaves. This song shows what their life was like, how they woke up every morning with this heartache of feeling worthless, but having to get up anyway. When Billie was a prostitute she would wail "Good Morning Heartache" because of where her life was going and how she and many others were taken advantage of. She spoke for many people in Harlem who were taken advantage of, and always carrying that heartache.
I like this song. It is very sad and gloomy but combining great lyrics with great music makes a great song. Billie is a great singer and this song shows the talent and joy she has for singing. Her voice shows her heartache and I feel like she is singing from her heart. Her voice fills up the room with the heartache and sorrow of her life story. I think that she is a brave woman who shows other women that even thought they go through hardship there is a brighter day ahead. This song really spoke out to me. She speaks for many that are in pain and shows that darkness has a light. She inspires many people to fight against their hardship